Latest news
- Supervisor seeks broader use of AI to help prevent wildfires
- Latest line: A good week for Gavin Newsom, a bad week for Meta
- De Anza College faculty, students begin push to discuss renaming school
- Runners take on 48th annual Marine Corps Marathon
- En víspera de elecciones, secuestran en Colombia a los padres de Luis Díaz, delantero del Liverpool
- 15 personas resultaron heridas en un tiroteo en una fiesta de Halloween en Chicago, según la Policía
- Gundogan calls for more ‘frustration’ from Barça players after loss to Madrid. Tchouaméni injured
- Denver weather: More slick roads, cold temperatures on Sunday, Pinpoint Weather Alert Day
- Macron sees draft law to make abortion rights ‘irreversible’ this week
- Children rescued from Framingham apartment complex blaze that injured 5, displaced 40